The word Punctuation is derived from a latin punctum,a point means the write use of putting stops in sentences.

Different Punctuation

1- Full stop(.)

2- Comma(,)

3- Question mark(?)

4- Semi colon(;)

5- Colon(:)

6- Exclamation mark(!)

7- Inverted commas or Quotation marks(“”)

8- Parentheses()

9- Dash(_)

The Full Stop

The full stop represents the greatest pause.It is used to markthe end of an imperatrive sentence.

Example She will go to hospital tomorrow.

It can also be used in abbreviations, e.g, B.A ,B.E.D,M.E.D,F.A


The comma represents the shortest pause in writing.


1- to separate a series of words,e.g, He wrote his paper neatly,correctly,quickly.

2- To separate each pair of words connected by and. e.g, Rich and poor,wise and foolish all will die.

3- Before a Noun or phrase in Apposition,e.g,

The graet English poet,Milton,was blind.

4- Before addressing people,such as,

Are you fine, Ali?

Come here,Aslam.

5-After and before phrases,clause,words.Forexample;

His life was,in several ways, introuble.

He didnot,however,take this gift.

6-To indicate the omission of a word,Verb.e.g,

She will succeed,you never.

Question Mark (?)

Question mark is used after an asking question.

Forexample; how are you?

What is your name?

Where do you live ?

Semi colon(;)

It shows a pause of greater importance than comma.

For example; The wood cutter was a brave ,kind hearted man;all villagers honoured him.

God gave her peace;her land reposed.

Colon (:)

It represent a more complete pause than that expressed by semi colon.For example;

To induce a quotation;such as,

Parts of speech are: Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Adverb, Preposition, Conjunction and interjection.

Exclamation Mark:

It is used after interjections, Phrases expressing sudden emotion; as

Hurra! tomorrow willbe holiday.

O! What a good scene is that.

Inverted Commas(“)

its is used to enclose specific words of quotation.

Foe example He said “Out of frying pan into the fire”.


To indicate change in thought or resume scattered object such as

If her husband alive_but why weeping the past.

Friends,relatives_all leave him alone.

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